Difference between the TC/TCX and TP/TPX suffix after the PANTONE color number


What do the TC/TCX and TP/TPX suffixes mean?

The suffix "TP" stands for "Textile Paper,"* and the suffix "TC" stands for "Textile Cotton."** Both are designators from the PANTONE TEXTILE Color System. There are slight differences between the paper and fabric versions of the System. However, for CAD applications, the differences should be minor. A note of caution: When specifying your color choices to a mill or manufacturer, be sure to specify and conduct all approvals from either the TC or TP* version of PANTONE FASHION + HOME.

*In the latest versions of the PANTONE FASHION + HOME product line, the paper edition product carries a suffix of TPX = textile paper edition, extended range. ** The cotton editions carry a suffix of TCX = textile, cotton edition, extended range.  This is to differentiate the newest product from older editions.

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